Obesity (weight gain) and the treatment of Obesity & Obesity Treatment

A serious disease called obesity   

Many may see it as a simple matter, and some may just see it as an unacceptable view or a distortion of the beauty of our bodies, and few may be aware of its gravity and yet stand idly by unable to stop it. To all of these and to you, dear, we say - Watch out for a serious disease called obesity, and it must always be remembered that it is a disease, and it is not only a simple disease, but rather a disease of the dangerous, it is a disease of our modern era.

What is obesity?Obesity is an increase in the body's weight from its natural level due to the accumulation of fat in it, and this accumulation is caused by an imbalance between the energy consumed by food and the energy consumed in the body.

Food and its types The composition of any foodstuff that you eat does not deviate from the following nutrients:
Minerals and Vitamins
5- Water
for each of these elements plays an important role in supplying the body with energy. Foods differ in their contents from these elements. Some foods contain all nutrients, but in varying proportions, while some contain only one or two elements. For example, fruits contain 
more carbohydrates than any other element, and bread and milk contain more carbohydrates, then proteins , fats, and meat. Contains more proteins, then fats, carbohydrates, and sugar only contains carbohydrates.

If a person consumes carbohydrates that break down in the human body into simple monosaccharides (glucose) to be used directly as fuel to supply the human body with energy, as part of it is stored in the liver in the form of glycogen and what exceeds the need after that turns into fat stored in the fatty tissues of the body. As for proteins, they degrade into simple compounds that absorb into the tissues and muscles, or they convert into glucose for immediate use, or they turn into fats stored in the fat tissues of the human body. If you eat fat, it either turns into glucose, which is used directly to produce instant energy, or it is stored in the fatty tissue of your body.

Instant Energy What is instant energy, how can we calculate it and how much we need it?
The energy needed by the human body is divided into two parts:
  1. Essential energy which is needed by the human body for its involuntary activities such as heart rate, breathing, bowel movement and others. It is usually equivalent to 50-70% of the total daily energy needed by the very active person, 40-50% if the person is of medium activity, and 30-40% if the person is inactive.
  2. Energy for activity and movement, which results from human use during the day, such as walking, swimming and movement in general.
Energy is calculated by what is called calorie calories. All voluntary or involuntary human body movements are measured by this scale, which is the temperature required to raise the temperature of one kilogram of water one degree Celsius, knowing that every single gram of carbohydrates or proteins gives about four Calories and each gram of fat gives about nine calories.

We can calculate the human need for energy using the following formula:
If the person is active = Weight x 40
If the person is moderately active = Weight x 37
If the person is less active = Weight x 34
Usually, the average weight person needs about 2960 calories

How can obesity be measured?

1. Body Mass Index
One of the best methods that can determine whether your weight is normal or not is what is called the Body Mass Index or BMI method, according to the following formula:
BMI = Weight (in kilograms) ÷ Length (in square meters)
If the result is less than20The weight will be below normal
And if the result is between20-25The weight will be normal
And if the result is between25-30The weight will be over normal
And if the result is between30-35The person is considered obese
And if the result is between35-40The person is considered very obese
If the result is more than 40The person is considered obese
An example of calculating the body mass index according to the equation (weight in kilograms divided by height in square meters). If we assume that the weight is 98 kilograms and the length is 172 cm, the result is:
  • Convert length from cm to meters = 172 cm سم 100 = 1.72 m
  • Convert the length of the meter to square meter = 1.72 × 1.72 = 2.96 m 2 (square meters)
  • If body mass index = 98 kg ÷ 2.96 = 33
This indicates that the person is obese 
However, there are some exceptions to the use of body mass index, including, but not limited to:
  • Children in development
  • pregnant women
  • People with strong muscles like athletes
2. The tape measure The tape measure is one of the techniques used in measuring weight, by measuring the waist circumference. The fat accumulated around the waist is more dangerous than the fat around the buttocks or any other part of the body. Lower waist measurement means less or less body fat. The table below is an important guide in this regard:

SexVery dangerousActually severe danger
MaleMore than 94 cmMore than 102 cm
The femaleMore than 80 cmMore than 88 cm

What are the causes of obesity?

  1. Dietary pattern: As it is certain that devouring food with high calories while not spending these calories leads to the accumulation of fats in the human body, knowing that fats have a higher efficiency than carbohydrates and proteins in the mass in the body's fatty tissues. The best example of this is that the spread of the so-called fast food rich in calories in Western countries and other countries led to the spread of obesity and the diseases associated with it in many parts of the world did not appear before. If we want to be honest with ourselves, it is the first and most important cause, and it is the only cause in 90% of obesity cases
  2. Lack of activity and movement: It is known that obesity is rare in people who are constantly moving or whose actions require continuous activity, but we must also know that the lack of activity alone is not a sufficient reason for the occurrence of obesity. There is no doubt that activity and movement have a great benefit in improving human health in general, and we can sum up activity and movement with one word, which is sports. Studies have indicated that sports have a role in reducing fat Blood glucose also has a role in the activity of insulin and the reception of body tissues for it, but is this large percentage to the point of relying on it to lose weight? The answer to this question is no, as the studies conducted in this field are so conflicting that we cannot recommend obesity with sports as a basis for losing weight, but it can be a catalyst especially for relieving flabs from the obese body that has lost weight. For example, if you practiced swimming or running for an hour without stopping, you will spend about 170 calories. If you stop after that and drink a cup of Pepsi and a small piece of chocolate, it will give you 500 calories.
  3. Psychological factors: This condition is more prevalent in women than in men. When exposed to severe psychological problems, this is reflected in the devouring of a lot of food.
  4. An endocrine disorder: It is always the appropriate cause in obesity. It is common and common to hear the saying (the doctor told me that it is an endocrine disorder). And again, to be honest with ourselves, it is a very rare case and not the cause in most cases.
  5. Genetics: We must also know that this factor alone is not responsible for obesity and may not be responsible at all.
From the above, it becomes clear to us that the most important cause of obesity is eating more food than we need.

Obesity and its diseases It is now appropriate to know the complications of this disease:
  1. Obesity, heart disease, and sudden deathDid you know that it is rare for you to find obese perennials !, This theory may be a bit of a fallacy, but it is a general indication for obese people with excessive obesity the importance of reducing their weight. The extra weight is an excessive load on the heart and lungs, so each requires a double effort.

    Although the relationship between obesity, heart disease and atherosclerosis is not known, it is an existing relationship, although this relationship also relates to the nature and type of food that the obese eat as it tends to eat foods rich in 
    fat or fried more than its tendency to eat proteins or carbohydrates and eating such items raises the proportion of CholesterolIn the blood this is the first risk factor for heart disease.

    As for the relationship of obesity with heart disease and sudden death, it is a relationship that depends on the duration or age of obesity in a person. Some studies have found that the persistence of obesity for more than 10 years increases the risk of heart disease and sudden death, especially when obesity occurs in childhood or early adolescence.
  2. Obesity and diabetesThere is no doubt that there is a strong relationship between obesity and diabetes (not dependent on insulin). However, we should not lose sight of the fact that there are other causes such as genetics, gender, geographical locations, etc., but what is the relationship of obesity to diabetes?

    Every cell has substances that receive the hormone insulin that burns glucose to produce energy. These substances are called insulin receptors. If these receptors do not exist or their number decreases, insulin will not work on this cell and therefore will not benefit from glucose so its percentage in the blood increases. These receptors have a fixed ratio on the normal fat cell. If the cell size increases as is the case in the obese, the number of receptors will be few 
    For the large cell area. Our advice to each obese is to reduce weight, as it is the ideal treatment for diabetics, as reducing weight leads to improving the state of insulin secretion and reception in these patients.
  3. Obesity and high blood pressuresuffice it to say that the rate of high blood pressure between the obese reaches three times its rate between the ordinary and that reducing weight while reducing the intake of table salt in high blood pressure has improved their pressure in the range of up to 50%.
  4. Obesity, joints and ligamentsObesity is also an overload on the joints of the body and its ligaments, and this appears in the form of multiple pains in the joints.
  5. Obesity and skinObesity increases the amount of folds in the skin. Therefore, the skin is vulnerable to infections, fungal and bacterial infections, as well as intolerance to hot weather.
Now let's talk about treatments, and we'll list what is common. 
  1. Dieting (diet or diet) Control of the obese diet is the most important and successful way in which they can reduce their weight by reducing the number of calories consumed for limits less than the body's energy need.

    As we have already mentioned, the necessary calories differ from one person to another and the application of a specific diet depends on the body's need for calories and on a medical basis that recommends that weight loss be reduced by 1 kg per week only. Therefore, you should consult a specialist doctor to determine the appropriate diet in addition to the necessary education and behavioral guidance.

    The following tables show the amount of calories available in some types of food:
    Fruits group
    Calories per 100 grams
    An apple58
    Milk group and its derivatives
    itemCalories per 100 grams
    skimmed milk35
    low fat milk50
    the milk62
    Ordinary cream215
    White cheese268
    Mozzarella Cheese285
    sliced ​​cheese370
    Kraft cheese375
    Vegetable group
    itemCalories per 100 grams
    Bread and cereal group
    itemCalories per 100 grams
    Boiled rice128
    White toast260
    Brown toast260
    White bread260
    Baking bread260
    Meat group
    itemCalories per 100 grams
    Boiled shrimp99
    Tuna with water130
    chicken liver150
    Grilled Fish151
    Cooked chicken, cooked165
    Grilled chicken breast165
    Grilled chicken190
    Tuna in oil191
    Lamb without lard191
    Fried liver217
    Fried chicken breast260
    Red beef263
    Fried chicken thigh268
    Lean lamb276
    Fried chicken wing324
    A cow's dream of grease363
    Minced meat with lard364
    Other groups
    itemCalories per 100 grams
    Tea without sugar0
    Coffee without sugar0
    Diet Cola1
    Cola or pepsi40
    Egg whites51
    Boiled eggs150
    Fried Eggs200
    Sudanese almonds590
  2. Reducing food use There are three ways they have a real role in preventing food use:
    • Preventing the utilization of carbohydrates (starches) by preventing the activity of enzymes that digest carbohydrates that are secreted from the salivary glands and pancreas by giving the person substances (discovered in legumes) that prevent this activity and these substances are found in the form of grains, the most famous of which is called Carbo-lite and these substances do not have Health damage is important because it is an irritating gas, as a result of the non-absorbed starches being fermented by bacteria in the colon.
    • The use of dietary fibers found in bran, vegetables and fruits (therefore it is recommended to eat them without peeling) as they are found in the form of tablets in pharmacies, and these fibers prevent the absorption of food from the intestine in addition to eating before and with food, the person feels full, which reduces his intake of food.
    • Recently, some medications have been used to prevent the absorption of fats from the intestine, thereby reducing the benefit from them, such as a compound called orlistat.
  3. Use of medicines The drugs used to treat obesity are divided into two groups:
    1. Appetite suppressing drugs such as
    • Amphetamine 
      is an appetite-suppressing drug by its effect on the activity of the nervous system. These drugs were originally used to resist sleep, and one of the most important side effects is that they cause addiction and leave them may lead to depression as it prevents their use for people with heart disease, 
      high blood pressure and galacoma Also, the most common derivatives of amphetamine are used as an anorexia called phenyl propanolamine, as it is better, more effective and safer and its use does not lead to addiction problem.
    • Serotoninergic drugs 
      from experiments with these drugs were found to have a clear effect at the beginning of use, but after a long period of use, their effect is mild, and these drugs are considered safe and lighter than amphetamine, although they do not differ from them in their effect on the nervous system and loss of appetite.
    1. Thermal generation drugs
      there is a natural material different own property thermal generation in the body , such as Alkvaian and some hormones and minerals, all of which are working on the burning part of the food and convert it into heat without benefit the body of it and these compounds called Group steroid with 3 or B3-Agonists which works to increase thermal generation Without affecting appetite, B2-Adrenergic or B2-Adrenergic agonists affect appetite in addition to its function as a thermogenic.
  4. Surgical intervention (liposuction operations fat) lipo-suction origin in the surgical treatment of obesity by liposuction fat is significant cosmetic but it is not advisable to use it only in cases of obesity is very excessive.

Obesity (weight gain) and the treatment


Obesity (weight gain) and the treatment of Obesity & Obesity Treatment

A serious disease called obesity   

Many may see it as a simple matter, and some may just see it as an unacceptable view or a distortion of the beauty of our bodies, and few may be aware of its gravity and yet stand idly by unable to stop it. To all of these and to you, dear, we say - Watch out for a serious disease called obesity, and it must always be remembered that it is a disease, and it is not only a simple disease, but rather a disease of the dangerous, it is a disease of our modern era.

What is obesity?Obesity is an increase in the body's weight from its natural level due to the accumulation of fat in it, and this accumulation is caused by an imbalance between the energy consumed by food and the energy consumed in the body.

Food and its types The composition of any foodstuff that you eat does not deviate from the following nutrients:
Minerals and Vitamins
5- Water
for each of these elements plays an important role in supplying the body with energy. Foods differ in their contents from these elements. Some foods contain all nutrients, but in varying proportions, while some contain only one or two elements. For example, fruits contain 
more carbohydrates than any other element, and bread and milk contain more carbohydrates, then proteins , fats, and meat. Contains more proteins, then fats, carbohydrates, and sugar only contains carbohydrates.

If a person consumes carbohydrates that break down in the human body into simple monosaccharides (glucose) to be used directly as fuel to supply the human body with energy, as part of it is stored in the liver in the form of glycogen and what exceeds the need after that turns into fat stored in the fatty tissues of the body. As for proteins, they degrade into simple compounds that absorb into the tissues and muscles, or they convert into glucose for immediate use, or they turn into fats stored in the fat tissues of the human body. If you eat fat, it either turns into glucose, which is used directly to produce instant energy, or it is stored in the fatty tissue of your body.

Instant Energy What is instant energy, how can we calculate it and how much we need it?
The energy needed by the human body is divided into two parts:
  1. Essential energy which is needed by the human body for its involuntary activities such as heart rate, breathing, bowel movement and others. It is usually equivalent to 50-70% of the total daily energy needed by the very active person, 40-50% if the person is of medium activity, and 30-40% if the person is inactive.
  2. Energy for activity and movement, which results from human use during the day, such as walking, swimming and movement in general.
Energy is calculated by what is called calorie calories. All voluntary or involuntary human body movements are measured by this scale, which is the temperature required to raise the temperature of one kilogram of water one degree Celsius, knowing that every single gram of carbohydrates or proteins gives about four Calories and each gram of fat gives about nine calories.

We can calculate the human need for energy using the following formula:
If the person is active = Weight x 40
If the person is moderately active = Weight x 37
If the person is less active = Weight x 34
Usually, the average weight person needs about 2960 calories

How can obesity be measured?

1. Body Mass Index
One of the best methods that can determine whether your weight is normal or not is what is called the Body Mass Index or BMI method, according to the following formula:
BMI = Weight (in kilograms) ÷ Length (in square meters)
If the result is less than20The weight will be below normal
And if the result is between20-25The weight will be normal
And if the result is between25-30The weight will be over normal
And if the result is between30-35The person is considered obese
And if the result is between35-40The person is considered very obese
If the result is more than 40The person is considered obese
An example of calculating the body mass index according to the equation (weight in kilograms divided by height in square meters). If we assume that the weight is 98 kilograms and the length is 172 cm, the result is:
  • Convert length from cm to meters = 172 cm سم 100 = 1.72 m
  • Convert the length of the meter to square meter = 1.72 × 1.72 = 2.96 m 2 (square meters)
  • If body mass index = 98 kg ÷ 2.96 = 33
This indicates that the person is obese 
However, there are some exceptions to the use of body mass index, including, but not limited to:
  • Children in development
  • pregnant women
  • People with strong muscles like athletes
2. The tape measure The tape measure is one of the techniques used in measuring weight, by measuring the waist circumference. The fat accumulated around the waist is more dangerous than the fat around the buttocks or any other part of the body. Lower waist measurement means less or less body fat. The table below is an important guide in this regard:

SexVery dangerousActually severe danger
MaleMore than 94 cmMore than 102 cm
The femaleMore than 80 cmMore than 88 cm

What are the causes of obesity?

  1. Dietary pattern: As it is certain that devouring food with high calories while not spending these calories leads to the accumulation of fats in the human body, knowing that fats have a higher efficiency than carbohydrates and proteins in the mass in the body's fatty tissues. The best example of this is that the spread of the so-called fast food rich in calories in Western countries and other countries led to the spread of obesity and the diseases associated with it in many parts of the world did not appear before. If we want to be honest with ourselves, it is the first and most important cause, and it is the only cause in 90% of obesity cases
  2. Lack of activity and movement: It is known that obesity is rare in people who are constantly moving or whose actions require continuous activity, but we must also know that the lack of activity alone is not a sufficient reason for the occurrence of obesity. There is no doubt that activity and movement have a great benefit in improving human health in general, and we can sum up activity and movement with one word, which is sports. Studies have indicated that sports have a role in reducing fat Blood glucose also has a role in the activity of insulin and the reception of body tissues for it, but is this large percentage to the point of relying on it to lose weight? The answer to this question is no, as the studies conducted in this field are so conflicting that we cannot recommend obesity with sports as a basis for losing weight, but it can be a catalyst especially for relieving flabs from the obese body that has lost weight. For example, if you practiced swimming or running for an hour without stopping, you will spend about 170 calories. If you stop after that and drink a cup of Pepsi and a small piece of chocolate, it will give you 500 calories.
  3. Psychological factors: This condition is more prevalent in women than in men. When exposed to severe psychological problems, this is reflected in the devouring of a lot of food.
  4. An endocrine disorder: It is always the appropriate cause in obesity. It is common and common to hear the saying (the doctor told me that it is an endocrine disorder). And again, to be honest with ourselves, it is a very rare case and not the cause in most cases.
  5. Genetics: We must also know that this factor alone is not responsible for obesity and may not be responsible at all.
From the above, it becomes clear to us that the most important cause of obesity is eating more food than we need.

Obesity and its diseases It is now appropriate to know the complications of this disease:
  1. Obesity, heart disease, and sudden deathDid you know that it is rare for you to find obese perennials !, This theory may be a bit of a fallacy, but it is a general indication for obese people with excessive obesity the importance of reducing their weight. The extra weight is an excessive load on the heart and lungs, so each requires a double effort.

    Although the relationship between obesity, heart disease and atherosclerosis is not known, it is an existing relationship, although this relationship also relates to the nature and type of food that the obese eat as it tends to eat foods rich in 
    fat or fried more than its tendency to eat proteins or carbohydrates and eating such items raises the proportion of CholesterolIn the blood this is the first risk factor for heart disease.

    As for the relationship of obesity with heart disease and sudden death, it is a relationship that depends on the duration or age of obesity in a person. Some studies have found that the persistence of obesity for more than 10 years increases the risk of heart disease and sudden death, especially when obesity occurs in childhood or early adolescence.
  2. Obesity and diabetesThere is no doubt that there is a strong relationship between obesity and diabetes (not dependent on insulin). However, we should not lose sight of the fact that there are other causes such as genetics, gender, geographical locations, etc., but what is the relationship of obesity to diabetes?

    Every cell has substances that receive the hormone insulin that burns glucose to produce energy. These substances are called insulin receptors. If these receptors do not exist or their number decreases, insulin will not work on this cell and therefore will not benefit from glucose so its percentage in the blood increases. These receptors have a fixed ratio on the normal fat cell. If the cell size increases as is the case in the obese, the number of receptors will be few 
    For the large cell area. Our advice to each obese is to reduce weight, as it is the ideal treatment for diabetics, as reducing weight leads to improving the state of insulin secretion and reception in these patients.
  3. Obesity and high blood pressuresuffice it to say that the rate of high blood pressure between the obese reaches three times its rate between the ordinary and that reducing weight while reducing the intake of table salt in high blood pressure has improved their pressure in the range of up to 50%.
  4. Obesity, joints and ligamentsObesity is also an overload on the joints of the body and its ligaments, and this appears in the form of multiple pains in the joints.
  5. Obesity and skinObesity increases the amount of folds in the skin. Therefore, the skin is vulnerable to infections, fungal and bacterial infections, as well as intolerance to hot weather.
Now let's talk about treatments, and we'll list what is common. 
  1. Dieting (diet or diet) Control of the obese diet is the most important and successful way in which they can reduce their weight by reducing the number of calories consumed for limits less than the body's energy need.

    As we have already mentioned, the necessary calories differ from one person to another and the application of a specific diet depends on the body's need for calories and on a medical basis that recommends that weight loss be reduced by 1 kg per week only. Therefore, you should consult a specialist doctor to determine the appropriate diet in addition to the necessary education and behavioral guidance.

    The following tables show the amount of calories available in some types of food:
    Fruits group
    Calories per 100 grams
    An apple58
    Milk group and its derivatives
    itemCalories per 100 grams
    skimmed milk35
    low fat milk50
    the milk62
    Ordinary cream215
    White cheese268
    Mozzarella Cheese285
    sliced ​​cheese370
    Kraft cheese375
    Vegetable group
    itemCalories per 100 grams
    Bread and cereal group
    itemCalories per 100 grams
    Boiled rice128
    White toast260
    Brown toast260
    White bread260
    Baking bread260
    Meat group
    itemCalories per 100 grams
    Boiled shrimp99
    Tuna with water130
    chicken liver150
    Grilled Fish151
    Cooked chicken, cooked165
    Grilled chicken breast165
    Grilled chicken190
    Tuna in oil191
    Lamb without lard191
    Fried liver217
    Fried chicken breast260
    Red beef263
    Fried chicken thigh268
    Lean lamb276
    Fried chicken wing324
    A cow's dream of grease363
    Minced meat with lard364
    Other groups
    itemCalories per 100 grams
    Tea without sugar0
    Coffee without sugar0
    Diet Cola1
    Cola or pepsi40
    Egg whites51
    Boiled eggs150
    Fried Eggs200
    Sudanese almonds590
  2. Reducing food use There are three ways they have a real role in preventing food use:
    • Preventing the utilization of carbohydrates (starches) by preventing the activity of enzymes that digest carbohydrates that are secreted from the salivary glands and pancreas by giving the person substances (discovered in legumes) that prevent this activity and these substances are found in the form of grains, the most famous of which is called Carbo-lite and these substances do not have Health damage is important because it is an irritating gas, as a result of the non-absorbed starches being fermented by bacteria in the colon.
    • The use of dietary fibers found in bran, vegetables and fruits (therefore it is recommended to eat them without peeling) as they are found in the form of tablets in pharmacies, and these fibers prevent the absorption of food from the intestine in addition to eating before and with food, the person feels full, which reduces his intake of food.
    • Recently, some medications have been used to prevent the absorption of fats from the intestine, thereby reducing the benefit from them, such as a compound called orlistat.
  3. Use of medicines The drugs used to treat obesity are divided into two groups:
    1. Appetite suppressing drugs such as
    • Amphetamine 
      is an appetite-suppressing drug by its effect on the activity of the nervous system. These drugs were originally used to resist sleep, and one of the most important side effects is that they cause addiction and leave them may lead to depression as it prevents their use for people with heart disease, 
      high blood pressure and galacoma Also, the most common derivatives of amphetamine are used as an anorexia called phenyl propanolamine, as it is better, more effective and safer and its use does not lead to addiction problem.
    • Serotoninergic drugs 
      from experiments with these drugs were found to have a clear effect at the beginning of use, but after a long period of use, their effect is mild, and these drugs are considered safe and lighter than amphetamine, although they do not differ from them in their effect on the nervous system and loss of appetite.
    1. Thermal generation drugs
      there is a natural material different own property thermal generation in the body , such as Alkvaian and some hormones and minerals, all of which are working on the burning part of the food and convert it into heat without benefit the body of it and these compounds called Group steroid with 3 or B3-Agonists which works to increase thermal generation Without affecting appetite, B2-Adrenergic or B2-Adrenergic agonists affect appetite in addition to its function as a thermogenic.
  4. Surgical intervention (liposuction operations fat) lipo-suction origin in the surgical treatment of obesity by liposuction fat is significant cosmetic but it is not advisable to use it only in cases of obesity is very excessive.

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